Estimate your potential savings on indirect spend
using our robust hospitality industry benchmarking database.
Are you spending too much? Let’s find out!
Take 2-3 minutes to enter information about your hotel properties and receive a preliminary estimate of potential savings.
At SIB, we’ve reviewed 4,100+ hotel facilities and our clients save an average of 11-34% in the spend categories we oversee.
You could save even more.
Our potential savings estimate may not encompass all the potential savings opportunities we can find on your behalf. We require a more complete 12-month vendor transaction history to present a more comprehensive estimate.
Next steps are easy.
Simply upload 12-months of vendor transaction history and receive a comprehensive view of spending and average savings by category—delivered in two business days. Then put us to work with no disruption to you or your team.
Save without changing vendors,
service levels, or operations.